Start your healing journey today.

GI MAP & Wellness Package Options Below

Here’s how it works:

I am excited to offer this customized test and approach to you. I take you step by step through every phase of the gut healing journey. Explore the accordion of info in this section to learn more about each stage of the process. Step 1 will begin once you complete your checkout of one of my packages below.

  • I want to learn a little more about your health history and current lifestyle. I also want to know about your wellness goals so they can be addressed as I analyze your test results and put together your protocol. You’ll gain access to the questionnaire as soon as you’ve purchased your package.

  • I will send you a link to purchase your test directly from the lab (check with your insurance, as some plans will cover the test). The test will be sent to you along with very clear instructions on how to collect your stool sample and send it back to the lab for testing.‍ Once you mail the test back to the lab it will take 2-3 weeks to get the results and for me to formulate your protocol.

  • During the consultation, we will go over your test results in detail and I will explain your custom protocol based on my assessment. Your plan will likely include diet and lifestyle recommendations, probiotics, herbal supplements, and essential oils.

  • During the consultation, we will go over your test results in detail and I will explain your custom protocol based on my assessment. Your plan will likely include diet and lifestyle recommendations, probiotics, herbal supplements, and essential oils.

Ready to begin?
I know this can feel overwhelming.

I am here to guide you —
 Choose your level of support

Get Started

GI-MAP Standard 3 Month Package
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GI-MAP Unlimited 3 month Package
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Grocery Store Tour
from $175.00
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Detox Your Home
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Not Sure? Book a Consultation Call
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How do I know its working?

You can expect improvement in symptoms! Some happen faster than others. Healing the gut is a marathon, not a sprint. It can take up to one year to have full improvement—but that being said, most people see drastic improvement before the end of their personalized 90-day protocol.