Hi! I’m Leslie.
I’m a fertility-focused health coach on a mission to help women heal their bodies and lives from the inside out.
I wasn't always "healthy". I struggled with some health concerns. On the outside, I looked healthy. I was thin, vibrant, happy, and active. I grew up eating a diet that I thought was healthy. I ate low fat, no fat. So in my world eating pretzels and low fat candy like skittles and licorice was ok. I didn't eat chocolate, well because I thought chocolate made you fat. I used skim milk and if it said whole milk I didn't touch it. Let me emphasize that I ate candy and LOTS of it. Literally, my lunch in grade school would be a brown shopping bag FULL of candy, I am not joking. As a kid, I would eat Halloween or Easter candy as I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep. I was thin, underweight, healthy (that included no cavities) and active. I never thought I was unhealthy. I didn’t have regular menstrual cycles, but hey, I never did. I did have acne (but doesn't every teenager) and I was put on birth control to help control my acne and to help regulate my cycles.
It wasn't until I struggled for over six years with infertility that I started to think more about my health. Seeing countless doctors being told I was too young to worry about it or that I have premature ovarian failure, or PCOS, or I was actually once told I may be pregnant. Some of these doctors were specialist in their field and well, most of them were just guessing what could be wrong. I did finally see a infertility specialist who listened to me and wanted to test me for endometriosis. I learned that I did in fact, have endometriosis. After getting the endometriosis scrapped, I did a round of infertile shots and finally, after 6 years got pregnant, only to lose it at 6 weeks. After getting the D&C, I learned I had another hurdle to jump, MTHFR. It wasn't until I actually started taking my health in my own hands that I learned what none of these doctors ever told me or even asked me about. Not one doctor that I saw asked me what my diet was like. What did I currently eat, or what did I eat as a child. No one told me to change my diet or look at the products I was using on my skin or in my home. No one told me "you are what you eat". No one told me the importance of proper nutrition. No one told me that eating Costco size bags of skittles and gummy bears was effecting my chances of becoming a mom. After all my countless bags of candy and doctors visits and birth control pills, I did FINALLY get pregnant, on my own, with all THREE of my kids. God is Good!
IIN Graduate - Institute Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach
As a Holistic Health Coach I utilize a holistic approach to guide clients to reach their health and wellness goals, whether that’s sleeping better, boosting energy, weight loss, stress management, and so much more. Health Coaches create a safe space for their clients to explore their health, facilitating behavior and lifestyle changes that can be sustained for the long-term.
Freedom Fertility Formula Specialist
Does struggling with fertility issues leave you feeling like you are locked in an emotional prison? I know it did for me. Suffering from infertility for years left me drained physically and emotionally. If I had the opportunity to know the Freedom Fertility information, my infertility would have looked different. My pain would have been less and I would have been able to take back control of my life instead of infertility controlling my life.
Certified Essential Oil Coach
I have been using essential oils for over 7 years and they have helped not only transform my health and my life, but my families as well. I teach people how to safely and effectively incorporate essential oils into their life. Essential oils have been an intricate part of my healing and hormone balance. Essential oils are my go to and have allowed me to reduce my families toxic load. It is not only my passion to help women heal, but to empower them so they can empower their kids and families for generations to come.
Licensed Massage Therapist, LMT
About Me
All my years of infertility were not wasted.
I understand the physical, emotional and daily struggle infertility causes.
It is my God given purpose and mission to not only help women struggling with infertility, but to help empower and educate families so they can create a solid foundation of health so kids today don't have to struggle with these and so many other health issues.